Tag: Education

Never stop learning

The search for the perfect lesson is one of the most exciting things in education, in my opinion.  Whether your students are 4 or 94, the art of teaching is very much still alive in our current climate of high-stakes…

Homework: the great unequal force

The debate over assigning homework is a contentious one with arguments on either side. Who is missing from this equation? The view of students, in my opinion. The Pandemic has changed our learning model in several ways – hybrid, virtual…

FORO (Fear of Running Out)

The term FOMO (fear of missing out) is a common rationale used not miss the next party, go on the perfect vacation or purchase the best outfit everyone is talking about.  Today I learned about FORO, or the fear of…

Fresh start for every kid, every day

Tonight I read an Edutopia article, “Fresh Starts for Hard-to-Like Students” by Dr. Allen Mendler and the main points really spoke to me in my current position. My day entails interacting with students and problem-solving issues. As adults, we have…

That one kid…

Our job, as educators, is to be on a constant path of learning in how to teach kids. To name a few, that learning includes the latest in edu-jargon, content knowledge and emotional/social needs. Recently I am focusing on the…

The L Word

I recently read an article by Dr. Devon Price titled Laziness Does Not Exist But Unseen Barriers Do and it resonated with me, both as an educator and a parent. Dr. Price suggests we ask ourselves the following questions: What…

The perfect lesson

“The imperative for continuing learning by teachers is not because their teaching is deficient; rather, it is that teaching is so hard that it is never perfect and can always be improved.” ~ Charlotte Danielson As I wrap up my…