Tag: relationships

Time to start something new

March 2019 seems like it was one hundred years ago and all the changes our lives went through since then are unfathomable.  Now we are back in the classrooms working harder than ever to regain the school spirit and sense…

Homework: the great unequal force

The debate over assigning homework is a contentious one with arguments on either side. Who is missing from this equation? The view of students, in my opinion. The Pandemic has changed our learning model in several ways – hybrid, virtual…

Fresh start for every kid, every day

Tonight I read an Edutopia article, “Fresh Starts for Hard-to-Like Students” by Dr. Allen Mendler and the main points really spoke to me in my current position. My day entails interacting with students and problem-solving issues. As adults, we have…

The L Word

I recently read an article by Dr. Devon Price titled Laziness Does Not Exist But Unseen Barriers Do and it resonated with me, both as an educator and a parent. Dr. Price suggests we ask ourselves the following questions: What…