Author: Kris VanDuyne

Assigning vs. Teaching Writing

Students struggle with writing, surely as much as I endeavor each month to find a witty opening sentence for my blog posts. This year, our department is experimenting with Single Point Rubrics.  You can find more about this tool by…

Sage to Guide: Active Learning

Person: “Oh, you are a teacher? What subject do you teach?” Me: “Social Studies” Person: “Ugh, I hated Social Studies in school.  I love history as an adult, though!” This exchange happens quite often to me and is frustrating.  Not…

Shifting Away From Textbooks

“We must get beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths… and tell the world the glories of our journey.”  ~ John Hope John Hope was a Civil Rights activist during the 1920s-30s.  He recognized the story beyond the textbook was…

The Beginning of our Journey

I feel the first sentence of this inaugural blog documenting our shift to the Common Core Social Studies Framework should be eye-catching and super witty. Was it? Well, I tried. I am much better in the classroom, I promise. First,…